Welcome to Grow More:-

Grow More was established 3 years back with a vision to establish a transparent and fair system for employee crossovers. Over the last 3 years, Grow More has immense experience in Background checks and established a substantial network for quick and accurate delivery. Today, Grow More has created a place for itself with absolute integrity, exemplary services & challenging TATs (Turn Around Time). A team of professionals ensures all background checks are conducted most prudently and privacy is maintained.

Grow More is proud to have clientele across various business sectors right from IT Companies, Banks & Financial Institutions, FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Engineering to Logistics Organizations.

Importance of Background Verification Check:

  1. Includes high quality job applications

    Checking the background of potential employees will eventually lead to an increase in high-quality job applications. A lot of companies have reported that they noticed immediate improvements in job applications once they started conducting regular background checks. Complete pre-employment background screening leads to:

  • Fewer disparity and misstatements in job applications.
  • More people who are looking for a safe work environment are inspired to apply.
  • The quality of the applicant pool sees a substantial improvement and companies get to hire better candidates.


  1. Ensure safe working environment- All employers are morally and legally bound to provide their employees with a safe work environment. As such, it is crucial to be able to know beforehand whether a potential employee has a criminal record and has been involved in serious problems such as reckless behaviour, the matter of abuse, theft, violent behaviour, or dishonesty. Knowing these details about future employees, allow companies to determine whether or not these employees will prove to be an asset or a liability.

  1. Helps Company focuses on quality hiring-Background check tools that are available online allow companies to check their future employees’ education, criminal record, and prior employment. These valuable research tools can provide documentation and can reveal potential problems and deviations in an individual’s application. Having access to this type of information will protect companies from future liabilities.